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Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are critical safety devices for your home. Most deadly fires and CO poisonings occur because of the lack of proper protection. When invisible and dangerous emissions are in your home, you should be alerted to their presence in order to take the quickest and safest actions to protect your family. Your home is required to have smoke detectors in every living space as well as your hallways. This includes stairways, which require having a smoke/carbon detector on each floor.


Fires may occur at any time, usually when you least expect them. Most people are aware of the fire dangers in their kitchens while cooking, but in fact, most people whose homes have had an electrical fire in them didn't even realize they were in any danger. Preventative maintenance can be invaluable in preventing such accidents. And when it comes to carbon monoxide, you could be breathing in deadly toxins and not be aware until the effects are too great. Don’t risk fire or carbon monoxide poisoning, or even worse, death!

smoke detector repair, carbon monoxide detector repair concord

For installation, repair, or replacement of your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, call the electrical experts at S&B Electric. Our service repairmen have years of experience in residential electrical projects. The goal of our company has always been to offer comprehensive safety services that strengthen peace of mind for all families here in Bay Area communities.


In order to meet safety regulations and ensure protection from deadly emissions, it’s important to call an electrical professional to get your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors placed correctly and up to code. We offer comprehensive electrical safety services that strengthen peace of mind for families throughout the entire Bay Area. Give S&B Electric in Concord, CA the chance to be your top choice. Here at S&B Electric, we’re “Striving to be the Best!”.

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